Features & Benefits
Please be advised as of January 1st 2018 the STP will no longer be available as a stocked item.
This item is being phased out and we will be advising customer to now purchase the EWSTP.
Details of the EWSTP can be found below. You can still get the STP if required however this will affect the price and lead time compared to the EWSTP
*** Important Announcement***
As of January 1st 2018 the Standard Test Piece (STP) will not be available and replaced with the Exposed Wire Standard Test Piece (EWSTP) X-Ray Test Pieces are a key part of Elder Engineering, what started as supplying the combined test piece, which led to the Standard Test Piece. Elder are pleased to offer a wide range, with a new recent addition of the Scanner Trays which complement the X-Ray Test Pieces